Our Mission

Brand Owner Mission:  Hello my name is Yuriy. I have been having this voice/feeling telling me that I need to do something for God. I kept thinking about starting this clothing brand but felt like its not right to just profit money from using Jesus's name. I have prayed and spoke with my pastor about this brand and my mission and how I think this is my calling to helping spread Gods word to the world. That's why I commit to donating at least 50% of all profits towards missionaries, churches, regular people that are struggling to feed their families and much more. I want to be very transparent with our customers and will show you how each month Crowd Heaven did something to help Gods children. Also I will post weekly content on social media of Bible stories to help spread Gods word to the world so even if you don't want to buy anything, feel free to check out our social media to learn more about the Bible. 

Trust Jesus Company Mission: Showing the world that trusting Jesus and having a relationship with him will change your life for the better. The world now more than ever needs Jesus, all of over social media and the news all you see is war, hate, crime, pain, sorrow. People don't know who they are, what their purpose is, suicide rates and self harm is growing every year. You ever wonder why all this is going on? It's because people don't know Jesus. Our brands mission is to spread the name of Jesus to people that don't know him. Our apparel will start conversations about Jesus without you having to say the first word. If someone asks questions about Jesus you can guide them with answers or have them visit our website and have them reach out to us. Lets make heaven crowded together. 

Our Products: God asks us Christians to spread his word into the world so more people get to know him. When you are wearing any of our products someone will look twice at your clothing. That is one of our main goals, there are people that don't know who Jesus is so maybe they will go search up his name on google or maybe they will ask you what your clothing means. People are struggling with all kinds of problems and they don't know what to do or who to ask for help. If they went to God and prayed he would guide them through their struggles.

Reach Out: If you have something on your mind, if you have questions about Jesus, if you have a prayer you would like us to pray for, click the reach out button and submit your concern and we will reach out to you soon as we can.

A Prayer Before You Go To Bed: God who made night and day, as the sun sets and the darkness fills the sky, I ask for your grace to remember that no matter how dark my day was or how fearful I am of what tomorrow will bring, provide life to my light and guide me through my journey. Forgive me for my sins and show me the way to eternal life. Your name I pray. Amen.